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Quick Pronunciation Guide

If you have studied Spanish, it may help you know that Japanese vowels are more like those of Spanish than English. The Following Vowels are short and pure, with no glide- that is, they are not diphthongs.

Japanese Vowel  English Equicalent     Example

a   As In Father   akai (ah-kah-ee) red

e   As in Men      ebi (eh-bee) Shrimp

i    As in See       imi (ee-mee) meaning

o   As in Boa    otoko (oh-toh-koh) male

u   As in Food    uma (oo-mah) horse

The Following vowels are like the onese above, but lenghthened.   _ means lengthened.


A macron , or bar, above a vowel means it should be lengthened!

Japanese Vowel    English Equivalent    Example

 a As in Father, but lengthened bata_ (bah-tah-) butter

ei    As in men, but lengthened  eigo (eh_-goh) English

ii    As in see, but lengthened  iiharu (ee_ -hah-roo) Insist

o_   As in Boat, but lengthened o_sama (oh-sah-mah) King

u_   As in food but Lengthened  yu_bin (yoo_-been) mail


Mount Fuji, Japan


Downtown Tokyo